Imagine yourself sitting in a room under the summer heat. Then as you are about to turn on your air conditioning unit, you find that it’s not lowering the temperature anymore.

Now you are left with the options of replacing the unit or repairing it. Learn the cost comparison between repair and replacement.

Hold up! Before you decide, you should first know the factors that need to be considered for troubleshooting your unit. Many homeowners opted to buy new units instead of fixing them, causing them to spend more money.

In this article, we will help you save money and learn tips on how to configure your AC unit.

Tattletale Signs of a Broken AC Unit

When you end your day from work and try to turn on your air conditioner, then you feel like you turned on a furnace instead of an air conditioner?

It is a clear-cut sign that you have an air conditioner issue. When it’s not working properly, your AC will sometimes deliver warm air throughout the home and send the temperature soaring instead of cooling it down.

Once your air conditioner does not execute its assignment, it can make your life scorching.

If you notice this happening and there are no more signs of official trouble with your unit, then call for repair right away so that a specialist from one of the reliable companies in Florida can see what is wrong.

You can tell if your air conditioning is working by checking for some other signs of damage. Even though it may be cooling down the house, there could still potentially be an issue with its functionality, and you’ll need to take care to keep that discomfort at bay.

Here are five signs of a broken air conditioning unit:

The Flow of The Air is Weak

When you have your air conditioner running, take a walk around and touch the vents in different places. If there’s cool or warm air coming out of them, then that means something is wrong with your AC unit somewhere (maybe it needs cleaning), but if not- no worries!

You should feel a steady flow of air coming out from your vents. If it’s not strong enough, there might be something wrong with the AC unit.

When the air filter gets dirty, it can prevent enough coolant from flowing through your car’s system. It will make for an inefficient cooling process and increase the likelihood that other parts may fail due to improper circulation.

But in other instances, your AC’s blower motor may have gone wrong, or your fan control board might be faulty. Either way, you have a broken air conditioner on your hands and will need to get it fixed to improve your airflow.

Emitting Strange Sounds

When you hear the sound of your air conditioning units making strange noises, it’s always a cause for concern. There could be anything from loose belts to broken parts causing these bangs and whistles in your AC system.

AC noises can be an indication that something is wrong. They are not always easy to diagnose, but you should shut down your air conditioning unit if any strange sounds come out of it, such as screeching or grinding noise.

Too Much Moisture

You might think that air conditioners are meant to make your home cold and dry, but they create a lot more moisture than you would otherwise expect. Their primary mission is to remove excess water from the house before it has enough time for mold or mildew growth.

The condensate drain is one of the most vital drains in your air conditioning system. It carries water from inside to outside. It means that if it is blocked or broken, you could have flooding on hand.

To keep your air conditioning unit running smoothly, make sure you inspect it every few days for leaks. If you detect water and do not get it fixed, you might be in for a costly treatment.

Weird Smell

When checking for leaks, take a whiff of the air around your AC and see if it smells weird. Ideally, there should not be any strange smells when using a unit, but sometimes problems arise that indicate something may need to be fixed or replaced on-site before things get worse.

When you notice a strange smell coming from your AC, it might be because of mold or mildew. Burning insulation can also produce an unpleasant odor and send harmful particles into the air that will settle over all parts of our homes – including basements.

If this has happened recently, then have an expert come out right away for safety reasons, and long-term exposure isn’t likely but just in case.

Increase in Electricity Bill

You can feel the heatwave coming, and you know that it is only a matter of time before your AC breaks down. Will this make or break summer?

The best way to fix a high cooling cost is by figuring out why it’s higher than before. Maybe you have an inefficient AC, or something was blocking in one of the pipes that need fixing, so everything runs smoothly again.

 Factors That Can Affect Your Decision: Repair or Replace

The investment of a new air conditioner can seem overwhelming, but if your current unit is not performing well. If you don’t want to spend more on repairs, you might consider a replacement.

When deciding whether to repair or replace your existing air conditioning system, you need to consider some factors. It includes:

  • Age

The life expectancy of an air conditioning unit is around 10 to 15 years. If you take care of and maintain your system, it could continue performing well beyond that.

The best way to determine if it’s time for an AC repair or replacement is by looking at the age of your unit, as well as how often you’re experiencing problems.

An older system might not work well anymore and be more costly in repairs. While newer models will only get better with usage over the years, they may last much longer before needing any major servicing.

  • Repair Cost

New AC units are often more expensive than repairing your current one, and unless the cost of repairs runs into thousands or even hundreds of dollars, it rarely makes financial sense.

When an HVAC unit is approaching the end of its lifespan, many professionals will use what’s called “the 5K rule.” You can multiply your age by the cost to repair.

And if that number exceeds $5k, consider replacing it (or just making sure you have enough money set aside). If it is less, then choose to repair.

  • The Refrigerant’s Environmental Impact and Availability

The R-22 Freon in your old air conditioning unit may be costing you more than just money. It’s also seriously harming our environment, which means that any repairs will become exponentially costly and challenging as soon as 2020 when this refrigerant stops being produced legally by law.

  • Energy Consumption

You can measure air conditioning efficiency with a SEER rating. The older the machine, the less efficient it will usually become over time, and as such, you should consider replacing your old AC if possible when upgrades are needed or something newer than what is out there.

When your HVAC system isn’t the perfect size for housing all its components, it can reduce energy efficiency. It is because there may not be enough refrigerant or electrical parts in good condition to keep up with demand – leading you into wasting money on cooling bills.

Purchasing a new, more efficient unit could be the best long-term investment you make.

  • You Plan on Staying at Your Home for a Long Time

Installing a new AC unit can be expensive, but it is worth the investment if you plan on staying put for a while.

The cost of repairing an older system might not make up that price difference when accounting for maintenance fees over time and potential sale discounts because buyers will know what they are getting with newer equipment – no matter how well maintained or outdated.

If you are not planning on selling your home anytime soon, having the peace of mind that a new unit and an extended warranty will bring may be motivation enough for replacing it.

How Much Does It Cost To Repair?

We all know that minimal repairs can cost under $100, but what about the big ones? Some components cost much more, and complex jobs require extra labor.

The cost of repairing a refrigerant leak can vary dramatically. You may be able to get it done for less than $200, but if you need help with something more complex, then that price could go up significantly.

Some parts are expensive, including the compressor, the evaporator (indoor coil), and the condenser (outdoor coil). If any of these need replacing, costs can easily be over $1,000.

You could face a bill as high as $2,000 if your compressor is damaged. It is the type of repair that may have you thinking about whether it’s more prudent to replace both parts and installation or get another AC installed professionally- which would save money in some cases.

How Much Does It Cost To Replace?

The cost to replace an AC unit can vary depending on its energy efficiency, size, and complexity. The average price is around $5k, but it could be as low as 3-10 thousand dollars for some complex ductwork in need of replacement.

Go Full Blast With The Right Cast

When looking for an HVAC professional to help with your AC unit, find someone reliable and who has lots of experience. They need all of the information about what is wrong to fix it quickly and efficiently. Also, have a cost comparison.

When it comes to the HVAC unit, a technician can tell whether you replace your old unit or it is time for an upgrade. Your HVAC professional may also check out the insulation quality around homes and suggest ways they could improve this as well – since better insulations help keep things cool inside.

Find the best AC repair West Palm Beach company and get your hot n’ cold problems solved with AC Care Heat and Air today for the care your HVAC unit deserves. Make your summer with the full blast temperature you desire.