When you’re faced with a flea infestation in your home, it’s easy to panic. Do not underestimate the importance of this common problem; some animals are naturally attracted to our pets, and we can’t always pick up on their presence until they have been biting for a while. In this article, we will take a look at how you might be able to identify if your home is infested with fleas or other pests.


If you’re like most homeowners, you probably love your home and hate anything that threatens it. You cringe when you see a spider or a moth, but you would never think of killing them. You don’t have the same disdain for fleas, but you may not even know they exist. In this article, we will teach you how to identify the flea infestation in your home and what you can do to get rid of them.

Fleas are small, black insects that live on the bodies of other animals, including humans and their pets. Fleas can become a problem when they live on pet dogs or cats and jump onto people when they go outside. Fleas can also become a problem when they are brought into the home on articles of clothing or furniture. Once they find an acceptable host, they will start to lay eggs which will hatch into larvae that will bite humans or animals in order to feed off their blood.

There are two main types of fleas:

1. Vector

Vector fleas attach themselves to animals such as rats, cats and dogs. These fleas can carry the deadly disease called bubonic plague. When humans are bitten by vector fleas, they can experience flu-like symptoms within 3 to 7 days or develop a painful swelling fever in as little as 24 hours.

2. Human

Human fleas are able to jump from pets to humans with ease despite the fact that they have poor eyesight and don’t have biting mouthparts. Once on your skin, human fleas will bite you several times and usually leave behind red marks on the skin where bites occurred. The adult female flea lays up to 500 eggs over her lifetime, so if an infestation is not controlled quickly, there will be thousands more fleas emerging later in the season.

How to Identify the Flea Infestation in Your Home?

If you are like most people, you probably don’t think much about fleas. Sure, they may give you a few seconds of annoyance every time they jump on your skin, but really, they’re just insignificant little creatures that you can easily get rid of. But is that really the case? Fleas can actually be a big problem in your home if left unchecked. Not only do they spread disease, but they also eat a lot of your pet’s food which can lead to weight issues. Here are four ways to identify the flea infestation in your home:

  1. Look for tiny black specks on your furniture or carpets. These specks are called flea droppings and they are a sign that there is a large flea population present.
  1. Check your pet’s fur for fleas. Pets that spend a lot of time outdoors are more likely to have Flea infestations because they pick up more fleas while out and about. If you have a pet that spends a lot of time indoors (like a cat), then their flea infestation is likely going to be less severe than if they were strictly an outdoor animal.
  1. If you have carpeting in your home, check it for little black specks. Fleas can be found under carpets and this is where they breed.
  1. Look for flea bites on people. Fleas can bite people too, but the bites are usually more severe than those on pets or animals. If you find flea bites on people (especially children), then fleas are likely biting them all over their bodies, not just at their hairline. Flea infestations are a common problem that many homeowners deal with every year in both residential and commercial settings.

What are the Symptoms?

One of the first things you should do if you think there may be fleas in your home is to take a look for signs of infestation.  Fleas are tiny, but they can often be difficult to see. They like to hide in dark places and on animals, so if you have any doubts about whether or not you have fleas, it’s best to get a professional inspection.

Here are some common symptoms of a flea infestation:

*An increase in the number of pets or animals.

*Flea dirt or blood on furniture, mattresses, carpets, walls, and other surfaces.

*Fleas crawling on people or animals.

*Flea eggs (tiny black oval objects) in the environment.

What are the treatments for a flea infestation?

A flea infestation can be frustrating, especially if you don’t know how to treat it. Here are four treatments for a flea infestation:

1. Call a professional

Fleas can spread rapidly and require the help of an experienced exterminator.

2. Check your pet

If you can identify the type of pet that is hosting the fleas, you may be able to treat them yourself. For example, cats often have fleas, but dogs do not. Fleas will not infest dogs unless they are brought into the home in contact with infected animals or their debris.

3. Use a household pesticide

Many household pesticides are effective against fleas, including carbaryl (Sevin), pyrethrin (Pyrenone), malathion (Ovidex), and imidacloprid (Garden Shield). Follow the directions on the label carefully, and make sure children and pets are out of the room while the pesticide is being applied.

4. Use a vacuum cleaner

Use a vacuum cleaner with a bag attachment to remove eggs and larvae from carpets and furniture surfaces.


Fleas are tiny little creatures, but they can cause a lot of problems in your home. Not only do they bite people, but they also spread harmful diseases like typhus and plague. If you suspect that your home is infested with fleas, there are several steps that you should take to help address the problem. First, check for evidence of fleas on people and pets. Second, treat any areas where fleas may be breeding (like furniture and carpets). Finally, vacuum every day to kill any remaining Flea eggs or larvae.